
William Yodlowsky syslog-ng@lists.balabit.hu
Fri, 28 Mar 2003 14:07:18 -0500

On 28 March 2003 at 13:59, "T." <t_esting@excite.com> wrote:

>   I have enjoyed syslog-ng on Solaris for several years so I'm now suffering from a bit of withdrawal having built my fresh, new
 OpenBSD 3.3 system.  I am able to get libol and syslog-ng built just fine.  However, I'm noticing that BSD's syslogd creates /dev
/log upon initiation and tears it down during shutdown.  I saw the patch for casting (void *) NULL in af_program.c in the ports tr
ee but, besides that, I can't seem to find any other patches that would cause syslog-ng to behave similarly.  Does anyone have rec
ommendations for the proper set of source() statements to use on OpenBSD?
>   Much thanks in advance.
>   T.E.

Your best bet is to use the port or a binary package and mail the
MAINTAINER <jakob@openbsd.org> if you have problems with it or additions
to it.

He is quite thorough and responsive, so there may be a reason it isn't
already incorporated.