[syslog-ng]replacing part of prog name with hostname

Nate Campi nate@campin.net
Tue, 31 Dec 2002 14:05:34 -0800

I have syslog-ng 1.5.24 on solaris 8, reading from /etc/.syslog_door and
I have a log entry like this:

Dec 31 13:48:15 larry 6.0[8704]: [ID 702911 local0.warning] [0] Can't
stat file in FlushFile [news/PointCast]: No such file or directory

...but the program name was sent from the app was: "ctlds 6.0[8704]:"
and syslog-ng replaced the first part of the messed up program name with
the host's name. 

In the next version, can syslog-ng "learn" that it don't get a hostname
from solaris ever and that the entire text coming in is actually the log
message? I'm losing information this way. I wonder how many other apps
split up the program name and lose data - most people would never know
as end users.
Nate Campi   http://www.campin.net 

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