[syslog-ng]1.4.11 fixes SIGHUP problems?

jon@dumbo.pobox.com jon@dumbo.pobox.com
Mon, 12 Mar 2001 12:47:33 -0500

IMO, it should dump to STDOUT/ERR as well...much like apachectl restart.

apache says something like "config is broken, ignoring restart"

i've made changes to the config file before(with errors) never thinking there's a problem.
logging continued normally, not error messages i could see.

not many people will want to have to check a log file after a restart, they may think
"telling it to HUP, didn't report any errors, and my other logs are still there..."

On Mon, Mar 12, 2001 at 11:33:35AM -0600, John_Delisle@ceridian.ca wrote:
| I'm not sure thats a bug, it may be a feature actually.  If you look at
| /var/log/messages, theres an entry saying the new config is bad, and
| syslog-ng will continue running with the old config.  This prevents lost
| syslog messages.