[syslog-ng]umask/perm (was: Re: One last try...)

Gregor Binder gbinder@sysfive.com
Wed, 11 Apr 2001 09:30:27 +0200

John_Delisle@ceridian.ca on Tue, Apr 10, 2001 at 03:09:51PM -0500:

Hi everybody,

> destination d_devices { file("/var/log/devices/$HOST/$PRIORITY" perm(0644)
> create_dirs(yes) dir_perm(0755)); };
> When it creates them instead of being 755 and 644, they are 700 and 600.
> Can anyone help? Is this a known issue? Has anyone got it working
> correctly? How is syslog-ng changing the perms, maybe I'm missing some
> system call or something! I'm open to suggestions/tips!!

has explicit setting of modes ((f)chmod() vs. open() with mode_t) made
it into the source yet?


Gregor Binder       <gregor.binder@sysfive.com>      http://sysfive.com/
sysfive.com GmbH               UNIX. Networking. Security. Applications.
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